Thursday, February 5, 2009

kicking my own ass.

in. to. shape.

From this point on this blog is about getting myself back into peak condition. it isn't quite private, but i can't imagine anyone else really caring about this shit.

weight: 125.3 (most i have ever been in my whole life.)

days without cigarettes or alcohol: 5...

breakfast: yogurt w/ cereal and banana. (avoided dd donuts yea!)

lunch: tofham & pepperjack spinach sandwich. :) and bad for you microwave french fries :(

dinner: veggie fajitas from el potro...ehhhhhhhh.

calories burned at gym: 225 not so great but i hadn't been in awhile and i have not been sleeping very well.

hope to change this tonight! sleep and better health here, i, come! weeeee! i'm a nerd!