Wednesday, December 10, 2008

christmas wish list...

a girl can dream right?

for better nights sleep...

because i need to puree things!

one day... actually probably not... i'd never buy a puppy... prefer to save one from the pound

hat not creepy manaquin... or something like that hat since ryan washed mine and it died.

though i have no use for this...

since i'm wishing aloud and all...

and finally, till i think of anything else...

some form of these to replace the ones i have been wearing for 5 years :( r.i.p. soon...

Monday, December 8, 2008

thanking you for what i could not do...

i wish i knew what to say.  i feel so helpless when i am at a loss for the right words.  "i wish i could take your pain away." is all i want to say... does it help though?  because i don't know that i can.  who knows what the right thing to say is, i feel like i used to be so much better at this.  

i do believe in someway people just need to vent.  like a transference of energy.  i feel upset/angry/bad/hurt/etc. so i will tell you about it and therefore relieve oneself in someway... but how does this transference effect the other person?  they will not take all of it, but they can take some.  i guess that's why we all need a shoulder to cry on, got to let it out somehow.  the worst is feeling like the other person just doesn't want to hear it.  then you hit a wall, and it almost doubles the energy back on to the original "feeler".  

perhaps i am just stupidly rambling.  that's what a blog is for right?  maybe i am transferring some energy on some unsuspecting person who makes the mistake of getting forwarded to this page... (sorry bout that.)

but thank you in the same respect, because just as i write this, just as i put this out of my head and into the collective conscious, i feel my heart beat a little less fast.  i feel a little more calm.  i just hope i have been able to do that for someone else... 

though i think i sucked at it tonight.  damn it.  

(night 2 of no sleep, and i do not see it anywhere in sight...)   

Friday, December 5, 2008

classically conditioned

why is it everytime i hear classical music (which is quite often as i keep npr on my car radio all day) that i crave panara...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

waste of time.

ever shaved your legs in the winter only to have the water go cold before you finish the shower and thus the hair on your legs grows back... i want my 5 minutes back.

so anyway, i was using this blog as a private blog to blow off steam.  however, when i looked back it kinda freaked me out to see how pissed off i could be when i knew no one was looking (i hope).  

so tonight i went back and deleted all the angry posts and stupid embarrassing ones too... well hopefully i will write something worth reading now.

probably not though.  either way everyone's got an opinion (and a blog these days), might as well share mine too.