Monday, January 26, 2009


i don't know what to do... on one hand...

move to nyc with ryan... he says he's going, no stopping him. should go with him... with no job. no savings... no place to live?

on the other hand, what is left for me in orlando?? a job, not a career. tired of this city. though i do love the people, i would always visit.

and if i don't go, do i lose the opportunity to be with the most important person in my life right now?

but if i do go, what if i fail and have to come back to nothing. lose more than i already have, egg on mah face.

i don't know what to do. supposed to go visit family in vegas in july, but can't go if going to nyc, need to decide soon to get the 100 plane ticket...

how are you supposed to plan the rest of your life so fast? why the econ depression now?? this is supposed to be my time to grow and i'm fucking stuck.

ugg. i need some clarity.

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